Possible causes of Dental Implant Problems and Failures

By November 17, 2016Dental Implants

When it comes to surgical procedures, there will always be certain risks to consider. Dental implants have a high success rates, but there are some patients that do have some issues with implant failure. Dental implants are designed to be a permanent solution to patients with missing teeth. The dental implant will anchor artificial teeth to the jawbone, leaving behind an aesthetically appealing result. The success rate of dental implants is upwards of 98% when the implants are properly cared for by the patient. If you suspect any problems with your dental implant, call Dream Dental Implant Center immediately. The sooner we bring you into our office, the easier it will be for us to repair.

The Implant is Loose or Fell Out

When the implant becomes loose or falls out, it needs to be repaired immediately. If the implant continues to fall out, it is known as osseointegration. This is when the structural connection between the implant and a person’s bone are unable to bond fully, causing the implant to fall out. In some patients cases, the process can take several months for the bone and the implant to bond. We will continue to monitor the implant to ensure it is properly bonding. Several factors can lead to the failure of the implant including:

  • Insufficient bone density
  • Incorrect positioning
  • Overloading
  • Damage to tissues
  • Sudden impact/external force
  • Fractured implants

If the bone is not healthy, it can lead to problems with the implant. There must be a healthy volume of bone density for the dental implant to be successful. Bone grafts and sinus surgery may be required for some patients in need of bone mass.

When a tooth is extracted, the bone will continue to deteriorate as it is not being actively used through the force of chewing. If you have been missing teeth for years, bone grafts are almost always necessary.


Another reason why dental implants fail is due to excessive infection. If bacteria is around implant, it can lead to infection. Dental treatments can be invasisive, and can leave behind infection, which leads to inflammation of the gum tissue. The infection can sometimes be treated without the removal of the implant, but in several situations, the implant has to be removed to clean the area to prevent additional infection. Patients with poor oral hygiene are those that often experience higher rates of infection. To treat infection You need to visit the dentist or oral surgeon.

Nerve Damage

Since dental implants deal deeply within the bone structure, nerve damage is a possibility. Nerve and tissue damage are rare unless the implant was placed too closely to the nerve. If there is nerve damage, it can lead to chronic or temporary pain including tingling sensations, numbness, and chronic pain. Following dental implants, most pain is temporary.

Email or call Dream Dental Implant Center immediately if you are experiencing any issues related to your dental implant.

Dream Dental Implant Center in Salt Lake City, Utah

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