ALL-ON-4 Process

By | All on 4 dental implants, Dental Implants
This is an image to educate patients on the all on 4 process beginning at extractions, implant placement, delivery of temporaries, and final delivery of permanent zirconia bridge. .

Here is a new image that helps clarify what the process looks like and the parts and pieces needed for the surgical and prosthetic process. The first step is extractions where all of the teeth are taken out. The next step involves placing implants into the maxillary or alveolar bone. At this point multi init abutments are used to correct the angulation of the implants placed. A titanium sleeve is used to support the bridge and act as an interface to the abutment. Temporary are attached in the patient heels for 4 to 6 months. The patient then returns and undergoes final calculations. At this point, we would talk about any changes the patient would like to make in their final teeth. These changes are made and at the next appointment we do a Tty-in visit where the patient gets to experience a new set of teeth and approves of any changes made the last visit is where the patient would get their final zirconia teeth 

Understanding Materials Used in All on 4 Dental Imlant Bridges?

By | Dental Implants | 2 Comments

Understanding Materials Used in All-on-4 Dental Implant Bridges

Understanding the different materials around All on 4 dental implants treatment can be a challenge. What are the various components when doctors refer to All-on-4 dental implants?

First, let’s examine the name by taking it apart and dissecting its parts.

All On4 Dental Implants


All of your smile, including Teeth and Gums, are replaced by One Bridge


Attached, connected, and screwed to One Bridge.

4 Dental Implants

A minimum of 4 implants (two in the front and two in the back) are needed to support this bridge.


A more accurate name to describe this treatment would be “One Bridge Connected to 4 Dental Implants

Let’s focus on the materials for this ALL-On-4 Dental Implant Bridge.

All on 4® Bridge materials are divided into monolithic and polylithic bridges

Monolithic means that its made of only one material making it very strong and less likely to fracture into separate pieces. To make one large bridge requires special milling machines that are very expensive. The primary material in this arena considered to be a permanent prosthesis is zirconia.

Polylithic means its made of two or more materials and glued together to make one bridge. Materials used in this arena include



Resin Acrylic, Denture Teeth, Trilor, Trinia, graphine, and Pekkton, porcelain, zirconia, composite. These styles of devices don’t generally require an expensive milling machine and so many doctors gravitate to them. The primary problem is that under pressure and wear over time, these parts debond. For example the most common call to get from a patient 3-5 years out is ,”My front tooth just broke off.” which creates stress for the patient as well as the doctor.

An example that is NOT the same as All-On-4®

3 on 6® dental implant treatment requires 3 separate bridges (as opposed to ONE with All on 4 Treatment). Each of these three bridges (as opposed to ONE) require 2 implants (3 Bridges x 2 implant each = 6 total implants) but here is the difference we want to get at. These 3 separate bridges generally DO NOT replace All of your smile because they only replace the teeth. This isn’t always a problem early on but as time go’s on, many patients return dissatisfied with their smile because these bridges show dark triangles where the patients gums have receded and left a black void. The only way to fix this is to have them completely redone. This is ALWAYS very frustrating and financially stressful for the patient.

Simply put, dental implants are a special type of screw to replace the root portion of your teeth. Most dental implants are made of titanium, with zirconia being a rare exception WITH SINGLE ANTERIOR IMPLANT/CROWNS. Dental implants function to replace ONLY the root of your teeth. This is the critical connection into your jaw bone which provides the retentive and compressive strength. It’s comparable to a house’s foundation or a tree’s trunk. Within the All on 4® treatment process, we place at least four implants that will solely support all of your teeth. These implants are unique from other regular implants because they provide more prosthetic options and have a much more aggressive thread design, creating stronger and tighter connection to bone. These All-ON-4 type dental implants can be placed in patients with little bone volume due to bone loss caused by tooth extractions or denture wear.

All on 4 Bridge (one continuous bridge)


What Makes Zirconia Strong?

Zirconia is considered “metal-free”. In dentistry, zirconia is known as zirconium dioxide, which means it is not pure as there is a slight trace of hafnium inside to improve its strength. When dental zirconia is ready, it will have an opaque-looking product that is extremely strong and can be used to make crowns and bridges. Zirconia can fuse to the bone, similar to how titanium does, making it suitable for dental implants. There are several advantages to using zirconia for dental implants:

No dark metal color showing through the gums

No corrosion problems

No piezo-electric currents

Thermally non-conductive


Dream Dental Implant Center in Salt Lake City, Utah

Do you want a Free Consultation and a Free 3D CT Scan? Click Here to schedule a free consultation or call us at (801) 948-9971 and start your journey to your Dream Smile Today!

What to Expect at your All-on-4 Dental Implant Pre-Surgery Appointment

By | Dentist | No Comments

getting ready for your All-on-4® dental implants procedure and wondering what to expect at your pre-surgery appointment? Feeling a bit nervous about the process? Don’t worry! This is the video we send out to all of our patients who are preparing for their All-on-4® dental implant pre-surgery visit. Below, you can learn exactly what will take place during this important appointment.[/embedyt]

Don’t have time to watch the video? Check out the transcript below!

Hi, I’m Dr. Bryan Hendriks. Thank you so much for putting your trust in us. It sounds like you are on the path to having your dream smile. I want to take a few minutes to help explain the process from here. If you’re getting this video, that means that you have scheduled your All-on-4 Dental implants pre-surgery visit. A pre-surgery visit is like what? It sounds. It’s a visit before the surgery. The biggest question that people probably ask is how long should I expect to be at this appointment? I would plan on giving as much time as possible because this is the point where we’re trying to communicate and gather as much data as possible so that we end up giving you your dream smile. That’s what this is all about, and so when you first come in, we’re going to sit down and you’re going to go through the most enjoyable part, which is consents.

Consent sometimes can look really scary, but the good thing is none of this has ever happened in my office. The reason you picked us is because we have amazing reviews. The doctors that work here, they are so good at what they do and they are very careful and cautious and so rest assured you have nothing to worry about. Next we’re going to talk about your financial agreement. The financial agreement basically just clarifies what I’m going to do for you and what you can do for me. Basically it’s really clear for you. You’re going to give us a payment and then we’re going to give you some sort of smile, but we want to make sure that it’s clear that you know what you’re getting and we want to make sure you’re clear about what you’re giving us also and so we’ll actually have a documents related to your All-on-4 Dental implants procedure prepared at this appointment.

We do have to take payment. It’s at this point that we’re going to spend a lot of time, a lot of staff time, a lot of surgical doctor time, also a lot of lab time and so it is required to bring your payment with you and if you’re not sure what that is, please call. They should have told you and it should be on your sheet. So the next thing we’re going to do is go ahead and collect the payment. When we do this, I want to be super clear. There’s two ways that we accept payment. The first way is probably the easiest and what I’d recommend, which is just to be a cashier’s check. Okay? The second way is you could choose to do a credit or debit card, but I do want to be super clear that if you choose to do credit or debit, it does increase the price by 2.5% and this is simply just because there’s a processing fee on my end.

So actually you’ve got the all-on-4 dental implants consents done, we’ve figured out the financial agreement and we’ve collected payment. Now it gets real fun. This is where we actually go back into the clinic and work with my assistants. There’s one thing I have to remind everyone here too that people forget is because it is a medical clinic. We can’t have family back in the operatory rooms. Okay? I can’t be insured if I let that happen. So if you choose to have family there, which I love to have family, make sure they know they’re going to be waiting in the waiting room. We don’t want anybody’s feelings hurt. So once you’re in the clinic, it’s really important that you’ve listened to this one thing, which is we, we are going to be taking pictures and so if you want to look just right, make sure you come prepared to take pictures.

There’s gonna be pictures that are been close with your smile and there’s many pictures out here and if you chose to some type of marketing agreement or if you chose to let me use your pictures because I’m going to make you look so gorgeous, then I highly, highly suggest that you take the time to make sure you put the makeup on and you dress nice because this is often one of the biggest concerns that patients have is like I just, I didn’t come ready to do this and so make sure you’re dressed properly. Once you get into the operatory, you’re going to be spending a lot of time with one of my amazing assistants and rest assured, these assistants aren’t just your regular assistants. They are amazing. They’ve been with me for a long time and they literally love you as much as I love you and we’re going to take really good care of you.

And so please give them the same respect that you’ve given me. Again, the whole reason for this appointment is to gather data data so that we can make sure that we know what you want. So we’re going to start off with taking impressions this step is crucial for the success of your all-on-4 dental implants. This isn’t always fun, but it is important that we get really good data. Otherwise we’re not going to know how to give you the best smile. So we start with an impression on the top and on the bottom we take a bite also and then we take intraoral pictures again, make sure you dress up. And then from this point you may be waiting for anywhere from an hour to two hours. This is often a point where people would get frustrated because they think that nothing’s happening. But actually what’s happening is we are taking the impressions and the material back to the lab and we’re working super, super fast so that we can get back to you.

What a lot of people don’t realize is that when the assistant is out of the room, a majority of the work is actually being done. So there’ll be impressions happening in one moment and they’ll walk out of the room and they’ll be showing it to the doctor to make sure he approves and then it’ll be going into the lab and they’ll be working in the lab to get all the things done so that we can get you your smiles as soon as possible. Most other doctors require the patient to come back multiple times before the original surgery for your all on 4 dental implants, but we really want this to be the best experience possible and so you will be waiting for about an hour to two hours and it can be intermittent just because we’re doing this in the background to save you time. Once the lab has done everything they need to do, the assistance is going to come back in and have a very important conversation with you.

Okay? Now this is again, this is one of those things I really want you to hear me here. They’re going to ask you what do you want to see in a new smile? This is where you have the opportunity to tell us what you’d like to see. For some of you, you’re going to love this. For others, that’s going to stress you out, so if you’re a stressor like me and like a lot of people don’t stress, you can look at our signs. You can see that we have amazing smiles. We will figure out the smile for you, but if you’re on the all on the other side of the camp, if you have a list of things you’d like to see in a new smile, please bring that with you and we’ll sit down and we’ll talk about it. This process is called a smile design.

We’re basically designing your final smile even though it’s just going to be a temporary. We want our temporary to look like it’s the final, we kind of see this like we’re playing football. Some people like to throw 10 yards at a time and they get a first down, but my team’s on a 10 yard type of team. We’re more like we’re throwing for the touchdown. So what we’re looking for actually to see exactly what you want in your final device and that’s why we take so much time throughout this process. But this Mount design process is supposed to be geared for you. So please speak up and please feel like you have complete control of bill. Tell us what you want to see. One of the things that makes dream dental so unique is that we pride ourselves on our temporaries. What you didn’t know is that most of the smile reveals that you’ve seen in the past on YouTube and on TV and throughout the different medias we were in.

Most of those pictures and videos you see are actually just temporary. And so the reason why we spend so much time is because we want that to be the same for you. We want you to have such an amazing experience when you get your teeth that next day. The last part of this process is where we go through all-on-4 dental implants pre-surgery instructions. There are very specific instructions we give people the day before the surgery and so we’re going to go through all those instructions with you and if you have any questions about the surgery or actually any questions about the whole process or the timeline, this will be your opportunity to ask questions. Again, one of the really critical areas I want to communicate with you about is timeline. Timeline is tricky because everybody’s different and so this is where we’re going to go through the timeline with you and we’re going to give you an estimate of how long it’s going to take.

Of course your smile shouldn’t be rushed. We want it to take as long as it needs to, but no longer than it has to, but we sometimes don’t know timelines exactly. The reason why is because every body heals differently and so we’re going to go over instructions and timeline to make sure that you feel comfortable knowing what is the worst case scenario. If, if you were to heal super slow, how long that would take. Once we’ve answered all of your questions, we’re going to bring you to the front with our schedule coordinator and we’re going to schedule that special day. It’s going to be a day that’s going to change your life and I can’t tell you how excited we are to be able to be part of this journey and I can’t thank you enough for putting your trust in me and in my staff and the doctors that work here from all of them.

We want to say thank you! You know, I tell everybody I don’t just change smiles. I change lives and my whole staff has said that over and over again and I can’t tell you how excited we are to go on this journey with you here in just a little while. You’re going to be waking up every day looking in the mirror and seeing someone that you’re so proud to see. It’s going to change your life. It’s going to change your relationships with the most important people in your life. It’s going to change your opportunities and business is literally going to change every aspect of your life. But the best part about it is it’s gonna allow you to connect and be loved and to love at the highest level. That’s what I love about what I do is giving back. One of my favorite quotes is by my mentor, Tony Robbins, and he says, the secret to living is giving, and if there’s any legacy I want to leave on this earth is this is to give, and I’m excited to be able to give you a smile so that you can continue to give back to the people you love in your life.

So thank you so much again for coming into my clinic and I look forward to seeing you soon.

– Dr. Bryan Hendriks


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